What Gives You the Ick?

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Where does the ick come from? Why do I have the ick?

  • What is ‘the ick?’

  • The scary power of the ick: it can come out of nowhere and make you see your partner through a grossed-out lens

  • The ick is not the same as turn-offs

What is The Ick and can you Cure it?

In this week's episode we discuss a very curious phenomenon: the ick. Where does the ick come from? No one knows (although we theorise it might be a manifestation of your intuition telling you to get away from that person). Here on this podcast we're terrified of the ick and the power it holds over us. You can get the ick in a long-term relationship, or even when you're dating, and there's no knowing if if the ick will, or can, go away. We theorise as to how you can overcome it.

We begin the episode by speculating how to describe the ick; what it feels like when someone gives you the ick and how it's different to simple turn offs and annoyances in dating, although it can sometimes manifest as you getting annoyed with the person you’re dating or feeling turned off in their presence. We then go on to a segment where we hear what gives you the ick, from people actually liking you back, to someone trying too hard, and tell our own stories of when we got the ick. We try to dig deeper to understand what the ick really is and why we get it, but conclude that, ultimately, it is intangible, and laugh and how ridiculous the reasons for the ick ending a relationship can be. Sometimes you might feel hopeless and wonder ‘Why do I get the ick with everyone?,’ (and maybe it’s just a sign that you’re dating the wrong kinds of people) but don’t despair! We’ve been there, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it.

The ick is real!! Don't underestimate it's power- you could get the ick for anyone and everyone, and there's no reversing it once you acknowledge it. It will soon be downhill from that moment on.


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