Be My Valentine?


Why is Valentine’s Day Important? Is It?

  • Valentine’s Day lockdown date ideas

  • Love is for everyone, not just couples

  • The pressure of Valentine’s Day: the day doesn’t have to be perfect

What Valentine’s is all about: love

For some people, Valentine's Day is overrated, simply an excuse to spend money and say 'I love you' for the sake of it. For other's, it's a day filled with magic, when love fills the air and it feels like we have all the time in the world to set aside for the people we love. On this week's episode, we talk about the things we love about Valentine's Day, like the fact it's a day completely set apart for love. But we also talk about the things we don't like, how a lot of pressure can build around the day leading to stress and disappointment.

During COVID, the expectations surrounding Valentine's Day look a little different: we can't go out, a lot of people can't even see their significant others, some people may feel even more so isolated. But there are a lot of ways to make the day still feel special. In the segment this week, we share some Valentine's Day ideas for when you’re at home, like picnics and blanket forts. It might even be as simple as getting your favourite food delivered. If you're not with your partner, you could facetime and eat at the same time. And if you're single, you can spend it with your flatmates or your friends. Valentine's Day can people feel even more 'single' or alone, when the day is really about love, of all kinds, and that includes friendship.

We talk about some of our Valentine's Day stories and experiences, and note that some of the best Valentines were those spent with friends and memories with parents, and some of our bad ones are when we actually had a valentine. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if someone is going to kiss you this Valentine's or not, because we all have a Valentine somewhere, and that is anyone we love!

Happy Valentine's Day you beautiful people! We love you!


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