Gaysplaining with William

  • Unpack the gay stereotypes our followers have heard

  • Hear about Will’s experience growing up and coming out as gay

  • Discuss gay hookup culture and dating as a gay man

Unfortunately, as women of the bisexual persuasion, we are outsiders to, and therefore unknowing of, the inner workings of gay men. However, our beautiful guest William Taylor joined us this week to ‘gaysplain’ his own experiences with being a gay man.

We break down stereotypes about gay men during the segment, like is it true that gay men are all slutty? We then dive deep into the potential impact of these stereotypes, particularly being a gay man at school, in the minority of people who had come out, and feeling like you're in some way ‘missing out’ of the dating culture when you’re young. We also discuss being 'camp' in the queer community.

Will then gives us an insight into the hookup culture in the gay male community and clarifies some common misconceptions about having sex as a gay man. We also go into what dating as a gay man is like because of this hookup culture, and whether it’s difficult to find love.

Be proud of who you are! We’re proud of you.

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