What to expect from your dating life in 2024 based on your star sign
With more and more of us using star signs to guide us in times of uncertainty, what could be a better time to delve into dating predictions than the new year? Amelia Quint, astrology expert for Gen Z dating app Fruitz, advises how to be a more effective dater according to your star sign, and key astrological dates to look out for in 2024.
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These predictions have been created to celebrate the launch of Gen Z dating app Fruitz partnership with Zodia, which now allows users to add their zodiac signs to their profile to help with compatibility when dating.
It’s almost time for us to welcome in another New Year (we can’t believe it either), and with it new opportunities, new life, and new excitement. Whether you’re cosily coasting along in a happy relationship, or you’re looking to meet the love of your life, here’s what to expect in 2024 according to your star sign.
Key calendar dates to watch out for
Mercury Retrograde (gasp!)
Most of us have come to associate it with being broken up with, losing a job or life generally just going a bit wonky but what really does it mean for mercury to be in retrograde?
Mercury is known as the planet of communication. When in retrograde it creates an optical illusion in space, where the planet appears to slow down and move in reverse direction. Because of this shift, we often see people interpret information in a completely different way than usual, and this can extend to our love lives.
It’s all about seeing things from a different perspective. Be wary though, this is not always a positive. Mercury in retrograde has a habit of making people feel out of sorts, which isn’t always helpful when it comes to dating.
Dating tip: During Mercury Retrograde, be careful what you text, be as clear as you can in your comms, and when in doubt, take it slow!
Eclipse Season
This one sounds a bit like a limited edition chocolate bar, but it’s anything but a delicious sweet treat.
If you thought Mercury retrograde was wild, get ready for eclipse season. It happens two times a year (in pairs), and brings major personal changes, including in our love lives.
2024 promises eclipses in Aries and Libra. During these supercharged new full moons, singletons will feel reflective, exploring both their individuality and relationship tendencies, to see how closely they align.
This makes it a great time to test the romantic aspects of your life. You’ll likely attract people looking for a similar thing as you, while at the same time gaining a better understanding of your strengths and flaws. This can help you figure out if your usual type or dynamic is serving you.
Because of this, it’s an ideal time to challenge preconceptions, break your ‘type’, and go after something different. After all, we don’t always know what’s best for us.
Eclipse dates to look out for in 2024:
Libra Lunar Eclipse – 25 March 2024 at 8:00 AM GMT
Aries Solar Eclipse – 8 April 2024 at 7:21 PM ET
Pisces Lunar Eclipse – 18 September 2024 at 03:34 AM GMT
Dreamy Pisces is a total romantic, and with serious Saturn in that sign since spring of 2023, they’ve had to reality check their romantic fantasies.
This eclipse is the first in a new cycle, and brings with it a plot twist. Perhaps it’s a time to continue being romantically realistic, or even do a 360 and return to dreamy relationship ideals.
Libra Solar Eclipse – 2 October 2024 at 7:49 PM ET
Predictions and tips for your dating life, according to your star sign
Key astrological events: With eclipses in Aries and Libra – the signs of yourself and your relationships – you have a one-in-nine-year opportunity to decide what kind of love you’re looking for. It’s rare, so consider getting serious about your dating life.
Dating top tip: Getting close to someone doesn’t mean you have to shed your signature
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: This year, you’ve got a unique combination of lucky Jupiter and genius Uranus on your side, aligning in your sign on 20 May . It only happens once every 14 years and brings plenty of great invitations along with it. Everyone will want to be on your roster!
Dating top tip: Focus on yourself and celebrate your success: there’s lots to clink glasses over this year, so go out for drinks. And remember, it’s not avoidant to prioritise self-care.
Fruitz category: Grapes
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: Get ready, because Jupiter moving into Gemini on 25 May brings a year of opportunities for you to become the best version of yourself. It’s all about growth, so expect your relationships to grow along with you as you rake in the accolades.
Dating top tip: It’s totally normal to be anxious about which of your connections will come with you into this new era, or how you’ll be perceived in the dating pool now that you’re on top. Your best option? Remember to have fun, and keep things playful.
Fruitz category: Watermelon
Attachment style: Anxious
Key astrological events: Powerful Pluto moves into Aquarius (the intimacy sector of your birth chart) for most of 2024. This happens from 20 January to 1 September, and again from 19 November all the way through to 2043! For the next 20 years, you’ll notice the deeper dynamics at work in your sex life.
Dating top tip: If you’re feeling anxious about the changes in your dating world, keep in mind that this is a chance for you to own your desires and explore what you really want in the bedroom with a supportive partner.
Fruitz category: Watermelon
Attachment style: Anxious
Key astrological events: You’re entering into a totally new relationship era, as transformational Pluto moves into Aquarius, the part of your birth chart associated with one-on-one partnership. It’s all happening from 20 January to 1 September, and again from 19 November through to 2043.
Dating top tip: Your best bet this year? Pay attention to the subconscious patterns you have in relationships. Do you subtly avoid connection by always being busy, or picking unavailable people? In 2024, you figure out the deeper meaning behind these dynamics.
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: Ready for a relationship reality check? During the Pisces lunar eclipse in your partnership zone on 17 September, it’s time to put in the work to make your romantic fantasies a reality. You’ll have serious Saturn and dreamy Neptune there all year, so the lesson is a long time coming.
Dating top tip: Make sure you’re clearly communicating your expectations with your partner, not just daydreaming about them and hoping they notice. If you’re feeling anxious, ask for clarification instead of spiralling.
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Anxious
Key astrological events: You’re becoming a whole new you, Libra—and two eclipses in your sign this year are the turning points for that shift. There’s a big reveal under the lunar eclipse on 25 March, and that lets you date with even more confidence under the solar eclipse on 2 October.
Dating top tip: As the sign of love, your default setting is to focus on others, but this year it’s time to focus on yourself! If you notice anxious tendencies flaring, remind yourself that you’re a total catch, and having your own interests makes you an even more interesting partner.
Fruitz category: Peaches
Attachment style: Anxious
Key astrological events: You’re about to get lucky, Scorpio! With Jupiter in your relationship zone until 25 May and your sex sector for the rest of the year after that, you’re primed for a once-in-13-years romance that sweeps you off your feet.
Dating top tip: It’s only natural for your secretive sign to want to put a new partner through their paces before opening up, but don’t let avoidant traits keep you from the deeper intimacy that’s available to you in 2024.
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: You’re usually fiercely independent, but this year you might just be ready to commit thanks to lucky Jupiter making a visit to your relationship zone from 25 May onwards. It’s an incredible time to find love that lasts.
Dating top tip: Reframe dating from settling down to going on a brand new adventure. Instead of avoiding love, embrace connection by making it a chance to explore uncharted relationship territory.
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: Ready to feel a whole lot lighter? When heavy-hitting Pluto leaves Capricorn from 20 January to 1 September, and again from 19 November onward, you can finally get back to dating for fun.
Dating top tip: We know you’re all about business, but this year don’t avoid pleasure. Instead, be a flirt! Strike up fascinating conversations and go on dates just for the fun of it, without attaching any expectations about the outcome.
Fruitz category: Watermelon
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: It’s time to totally reinvent yourself,and refreshing your dating goals is a major part of that. When serious Pluto moves through your sign from 20 January to 1 September, and again from 19 November until 2043, you’ll need relationships that can see you through massive personal transformation.
Dating top tip: Go out for drinks and have deep discussions with your dates. With Pluto in your sign, you’re craving conversation that’s far beyond surface level. Don’t avoid digging into the deep stuff.
Fruitz category: Grapes
Attachment style: Avoidant
Key astrological events: Ready to reimagine your life? Under the Pisces lunar eclipse on 17 September, you kick off a yearandahalf-long metamorphosis. It’s the first eclipse in a new series, where you’ll reflect on whether your individual dreams sync up with your couple goals.
Dating top tip: With serious Saturn and healing Neptune in your sign all year, you’re looking for someone who’s ready to do the emotional work to build a lasting relationship.
Fruitz category: Cherries
Attachment style: Anxious