Talking With My Mum (Pt.1)

Ft. Honey’s Mum

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Our mother daughter relationship

  • What does Honey’s mum think of the podcast and hearing about her daughter’s sex life?

  • What is being a single mum like? What is dating and finding love as a single mum like?

  • What is special about Honey and her mum’s mother daughter bond? What’s their relationship like?

Like mother like daughter

Ever wonder what other people's relationship is like with their mum? Now you can find out! This week we're joined by Honey's mum to discuss all things about their relationship and about raising a child on your own.

We begin by asking what she thinks of us having a sex and relationship podcast. We then to move on to her sex education and what it was like talking about sex when she was growing up, as well as how this informed how she wanted to talk about sex and relationships with Honey.

We then move on to life as a single mum, and what it was like raising Honey alone. We cover things like why being a single mum is hard, being a single mum and dating full time. Then we move on to dating as a single mum, and then finding love as a single mum and what that's like now Honey's grown up and they all live together. We discuss their family relationships during the pandemic, and how it's hard to not be codependent when you're living at home.

It was so much fun talking with my mum, and it opened up some topics of conversation we probably never would've spoken about otherwise. I've always thought we have a special mother daughter bond, and friendship, hopefully that's obvious in this podcast.

We encourage you to explore your family relationships, particularly your relationship with your mum. It's hard to know how to talk to your mum about sex and relationships or mental health sometimes, but once you do it will create more openness between you that can only be a good thing.

We love you all, thank you for your support. Your feedback is always appreciated, so please don't hesitate to leave us a rating or review on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser!


Embarrassing Sex


Friend To Friend