How Do You Deal With Arguments?


Argument strategies

  • What are you like in an argument with a partner?

  • How do attachment styles affect how you argue?

  • Are arguments important in a relationship?

  • How to argue more effectively

Arguing effectively in relationships

What are you like in an argument? This week we discuss conflict and arguing styles. From heated arguments to the smallest disagreements, arguing is never entirely pleasant, but there is a way to communicate effectively and to be mindful in an argument so that it's respectful and doesn't become hurtful.

We begin the episode with a segment where we ask our followers what they're like in an argument and what their argument pet peeves are. We discuss certain things we find annoying in arguments, such as when people walk away from your or insult you during an argument.

We then move on to discussing what we are each like in a relationship, and how the way we argue is so related to our attachment styles. Maria is anxious, so wants to resolve conflict as quickly as possible, and Honey is avoidant, so wants to put off arguments for as long as possible. We identify different approaches to arguing, from the way you start an argument or bring an issue up to the way you act during the argument- do you walk away during an argument? or shout? do you argue to argue your point or to win or do you argue to understand the other person's perspective? Finally, how you recover from an argument- whether you take a while to calm down after an argument.


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