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Our Sexual Genesis

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Our Sexual Genesis Sextras

How did you learn about sex?

  • Hear some beliefs about sex our listeners had when they were younger

  • Discuss how we first heard about sex and when we first learnt more about sex

  • Talk about how attitudes towards sex around us growing up influenced how we see sex now

What shapes our sex values and beliefs?

What are your first memories of hearing about sex?

This week, we reminisce and examine the very first memories we have about sex, our attitudes around it and the things we were taught. We dive into the way our parents talked about sex, if they did at all, and the way we were initially taught what it was. Sex education is unfortunately lacking in many ways, and as we describe our experiences we definitely find some gaps in our knowledge, for example we wonder how we learnt what gay sex was and when we were first conscious of gay people existing. We try to dissect our emotions and attitudes towards sex when our peers were first talking about it or when we started seeing it or experiencing it ourselves, to try to understand and break down the way we think and feel about sex now. We talk about what we wish we could tell our younger selves and what we wish we'd learnt that we didn't.

During the segment we asked you what myths about sex you believed when you were kids, and we laugh about the misconceptions we all have when we’re young, like thinking that sex is just a naked hug. At the end of the episode we advise someone who posted on our university confessions page of what to do if you catch feelings for your friends with benefits.

Learn more about sex and sex education